Week 8 - MKTG 3349 - Chat GPT AI
I personally have never been one to particularly pride myself of being in the know when it comes to trending topics. I have quite possibly the bare minimum level of priviness of what's going on in the world to be able to call myself an 'informed citizen'. However, it was not difficult at all for me to find out about Chat GPI, as it has taken the internet by storm these past few weeks, and has proven to be so popular that when I eventually gave in to my curiosity and decided to see for myself firsthand what the big deal was, the website said it couldn't support anymore users and to try again later. After finally giving the software a try as per Professor Kelsey's suggestion, it is fascinating to see answers to questions you ask, as you can tell these aren't the sort of answers Google would come up with, yet aren't any less correct than those found on Google. I asked what the meaning of life is, and it said that the meaning of life is a subjective idea that ...