Week 5 - MKTG 3349 - AI Generated Images

 Over the years, fads have came and gone. Some were instantaneously dismissed as such, and accurately so. 3-D movies for example, were called out by many as something that will eventually die off. It did take a little longer than most would've expected, but eventually it did. TV manufacturers have essentially stopped selling them all together and even major studios have for the most part stopped making movies in 3-D format. There are some things that where cried out as fads when they were popular, but in the end, transcended beyond what most expected. The Beatles, back when they first got popular were looked at as an act that would eventually fade into obscurity, but then they went on to be the greatest band of all time. 

AI generated images are a fairly new technological phenomenon. Just about a year ago did they start to quietly creep into the attention of the public, and it didn't take long for everybody to know at least of its existence, many people having made some of their own AI generated images. This is truly one of the most fascinating directions art has gone in decades, arguably since Jackson Pollack splattered his way into the art world. Below are campaigns advertising an aquarium and a psychoactive substance dispensary. AI art has a way of just capturing the eyes of viewers, and I believe it can be expected AI art is not merely a fad, but something that will, for greater or smaller, be around for quiet sometime.


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