For about a year now, DALL E AI generated images have exploded in popularity on the internet, as for me personally, the first time AI has truly done what it was programmed to do efficiently enough to give credit to it. I personally was astonished at the results it came up with and now after having read Professor Kelsey's article, I am even more caught in the whirlwind of AI's growing prominence and popularity. One of the biggest surprises I took away from Professor Kelsey's article was how adamantly many large corporations are investing in AI, further proving as Professor Kelsey said that AI is quickly becoming for and more part of our everyday lives, is not only here to stay but will eventually become a more integrate part of all of our lives more than we can ever predict. One thing that has shocked me so much with the break-neck emergence of AI is just how all encompassing it's already becoming, AI being capable of writing, image producing, and the list is only goin...
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